The aim of this course is to introduce the students with the Ocean and Marine environment.
GETh 203: Oceanography and Marine Environment 2 Credit Hours
1. Oceanography: Introduction, definition, Scope, relation with other subjects.
2. Relief of the Ocean: Continental shelves & slope, Ocean floor, of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean
3. Ocean Sediments: Source of sediments, types, characteristics, depositional environments.
4. Ocean temperature:- Temperature change, causes, vertical and horizontal distribution, Implication.
5. Ocean Salinity: Salinity change, causes, distribution, and implication.
6. Ocean Currents: Causes, types, ocean current in Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean.
7. Tide: Causes and effects.
8. Waves: Causes, characteristics wave actions.
9. Storm surges and cyclones, characteristics, environmental consequences, and management.
10. Sea-level change: Definition, causes, past, present, and future trends of S. L. changes, consequences of S. L. changes.
11. Marine Environment: Marine climatic Zone, EL-Nino, La-Nina Ocean pollution, Man-Ocean relation, Ocean Policy, Organization.
12. Ocean Resources: Fisheries, Minerals and power resources, Marine resources of Bangladesh.
13. Coral Reef: Types, Formation, Characteristics, Importance and Global distribution,
14. Ocean Policy: Law of the Ocean, International Organization, EEZ. Ocean Resource Utilization
15. Bay of Bengal with emphasis on EEZ of Bangladesh and estuaries: Resource Utilization, SL. Change of Bangladesh. Govt. policy on Bay of Bengal.
Selected Readings:
Bhatt, J.J., Oceanography, D. Van Nostrand Company, New York.
King, C.A.M., Oceanography for Geographers, Edwin Arnold Publishers Ltd. London
Sharma, R.C., and Vatal, M. Oceanography for Geographers, Chaitanya Publishing House, Allahabad, India.
Carson, R.J., The Sea Around, Staples Press Ltd. London.
Engel, L., The Sea, Time Incorporated, London.
ROUTINE Tuesday: 1.30-2.20 PM Wednesday: 9.00-9.50 AM
Lecture-1: Definition, scope, and relationship with other subjects
Lecture-2: Historical Development of Oceanography, Oceanography in Bangladesh
Lecture-3: Relief of the Ocean, Continental Shelf, Slope, Ocean floor
Lecture-4: Ocean floor of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean
Lecture-5: Ocean floor of the Bay of Bengal
Lecture-6: Ocean Sediment, Sources and types of sediments, depositional environment
First In-Course Examination
Lecture-7: Ocean Temperature, Causes, Vertical and horizontal distribution, Environmental Implication
Lecture-8: Ocean Salinity, causes, vertical and horizontal distribution, environmental implication
Lecture-9: Ocean Current; Causes, types, ocean current in Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean, environmental implication,
Lecture-10: Cyclones, formation, storm surge, major cyclones, characteristics, environmental consequences and management.
Lecture-11: Sea-level change: definition, causes, SL change of geological past
Lecture-12: Sea Level Change: present and future trends of Sea Level, SL change along Bangladesh coast, consequences of S. L. changes
Lecture-13: Ocean Resources: Definition, Types, Fisheries, Minerals and power resources, Marine resources of Bangladesh, Marine resource Management.
Lecture-14: Coral Reef: Types, Formation, Characteristics, Importance, Global distribution, St, Martins Island
Second In-Course Examination/Oral
Lecture-15: Marine Environment: Marine climatic Zone, EL-Nino, La-Nina Climate Change, and Ocean Environment
Lecture-16: Marine Environment: Marine pollution, causes and sources of pollution, pollution controls
Lecture-17: Ocean Policy: EEZ., Ocean Resource Utilization, Law of the Sea, International Organization
Lecture-18: Bay of Bengal: Estuaries, Off-shore islands; Tide, Wave and Ocean current, sediment dispersion
Lecture-19: Bay of Bengal: Pollution, Government Policy, Delimitation of Marine boundary, Resources and Resource utilization
Lecture-20: Course review
Submission of Assignments
Last Updated on November 25, 2020 3:31 AM