Subject | Description |
Physical Oceanography | Major research interests and publications are on Ocean dynamics, Shelf topography, Sediment dynamics, Morphology and ecology of off-shore islands, Estuarine environment, Marine environment, Marine disaster and Blue economy |
Geomorphology | Major research interests and publications are on Fluvial dynamics, Floodplain morphology, Wetland morphology & ecosystem, Coastal morphology, Lake environment |
Palaeogeography | Major research interests and publications are on Reconstruction of Quaternary Environment, Holocene Sea-level Changes, Palaeo-monsoon, Palaeo-archeology and Palaeo-oceanography using litho-bio-& chrono-stratigraphic techniques |
Coastal Geography and Environment | Major research interests and publications are on Coastal morphology, Coastal dynamics, Landuse change, Man-environment linkage, Coastal disaster, Coastal people & their livelihood and Coastal tourism |
Last Updated on November 23, 2020 8:15 PM