Title | Organization | Location | From Date | To Date | Description |
Professor (Physical Geography) | University of Dhaka | Dhaka | 00-00-0000 | Currently Working | Teaching and Research Supervision (mostly on Physical Geography) |
Professor | Jagannath University | Dhaka | 00-00-0000 | 00-00-0000 | Teaching and Research Supervision (mostly on Physical Geography) |
Visiting Professor | University of Nagoya | Japan | 00-00-0000 | 00-00-0000 | Responsibilities were share for collaborative research, supervise thesis and ongoing research, class lecture, supervise fieldwork and seminar presentation. |
Professor | University of Chittagong | Chittagong | 00-00-0000 | 00-00-0000 | Teaching and Research Supervision (mostly on Physical Geography) |
Associate Professor | University of Chittagong | Chittagong | 00-00-0000 | 00-00-0000 | Teaching and supervise research |
Last Updated on November 23, 2020 9:14 PM